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ASD Math Teachers

Want to know which are the best math teachers for middle and high schools?  This is the place.

I will update this post with additional schools as volunteers help this list grow for every middle and upper school in the district. Please volunteer to comb the school website and call the school.  Find out which teachers use CMP (Connected math) or IMP (Interactive math) vs. a more solid program and send it to me.

The point that needs to be made to the schools and district is to have hundreds of parents at every school contact the school and request a “traditional” (aka. “real) math teacher and to demand to be removed from the fuzzy math teachers classes.

Here’s the information for AF Jr. High.

Traditional/real math teachers at AF Jr. High that you want your children in their classes are:

The others use Connected math or don’t cover as much material so CALL NOW and find out if your child is going to be in one a class by one of the other teachers and request to have one of these 3. Then tell  all your neighbors to request those teachers as well.  If enough people do this RIGHT NOW and not wait till fall when it’s too late, the schools should get the hint.

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