On October 14th, Lord Christopher Monckton gave a presentation in St. Paul, MN on the subject of global warming helping to expose the true nature of those behind the movement. Are they really concerned about global warming (now that the earth’s been cooling for 11 straight years and scientists have conclusively shown the earth goes through warming and cooling cycles that have nothing to do with man-made causes)? Or are they in it for power and wealth?
Category: Economics
Impressive Math Lesson Videos
Someone recently sent me a link to the Khan Academy’s site. This person has over 800 videos on YouTube teaching various math courses. The videos aren’t too long, but the amount of them is quite impressive. If your child is struggling with a concept, see if there isn’t something on this page they can review to get up to speed.
Not only does he cover tons of math subjects, he also has a lot on finance including some analysis on the Geithner and Paulson plans.
Atlas Shrugged
Mark Perry runs a great blog called Carpe Diem and I encourage you to check out some of the things he posts. This particular link will show you the Google hits and Amazon books sales graphs for the book Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
If you haven’t read the book (and as of this post I haven’t, but it’s sitting next to my bedside waiting for me to finish up the book “Blink”), it is a novel published in 1957 that was an expose on socialism and the loss of individual rights. It begins with a simple question, “Who is John Galt?” If you’ve seen that on a tax party day sign, this is the source.
Here is a video with pictures of Ayn and quotes from the book. The quotes go too fast to read them completely so you’ll have to pause the video periodically.
I.O.U.S.A. the Movie
Although there is a full length movie available, this 30 minute edited version will give you a great picture of the real trouble we are in unless we act now. Entitlements and wasteful spending are killing us and the true picture of American debt is staggering.
American Debt
The Peter G. Peterson Foundation has issued a new Citizens Guide showing where American debt has been and where it’s headed unless we make radical changes in our spending habits.
Financial Meltdown
Why the Meltdown Should Have Surprised No One
Peter Schiff is Ron Paul’s economic advisor. This video is an hour and 16 minutes and well worth watching if you want a common sense economic lesson.
There are some great things in the video, especially around the 40-45 minute mark and then the last 20 minutes. It seems like he’s talking without using any notes and it’s just a brilliant explanation of economics and why government spending isn’t going to work this time.